2nd Movement: Sound of Thunder, Sound of Gold
“The only reason that Jews are in pornography is that we think that Christ sucks. Catholicism sucks. We don’t believe in authoritarianism…I believe in me. I’m God. Fuck God. God is your need to believe in some super being. I am the super being. I am your God, admit it.” — Al Goldstein, Jewish-American Pornographer
Incarnation, as we have seen, is something that doesn’t rest easy with the Jewish imagination. Likewise, the fact that most Western thought revolves around the promise of an incarnate God creates a similar discomfort. When asked for their opinions on Jesus Christ, Jews tend to respond with either indifference, temerity, or, when arguing against the Church, circular denials. At least, this is true on the streets of Tel Aviv or Tiberias, communities where Jews have a majority grasp of the local culture. But in gentile circles (or situations where gentile views must be tolerated), these animadversions are seldom expressed. There are exceptions, of course. In popular theology, Michael Wex’s How to be a Mensch (and not a Schmuck) contains rather stern refutations of Christianity, wrapped in enough chutzpah for the average goy to write off with a chuckle — “Oh, those feisty semites!” — and carry on with their day. It seems easy enough to do. Wex’s casual indifference to the genocide of the Amorites and Canaanites, recorded in the book of Judges? So feisty! His claim that the golden rule is a bastardization of Hillel’s teaching? So daring! His insistence that gentiles, the goyim, earn their name from golem, soulless husks lacking the presence of God’s spirit? And no attempt to critique this slur? Clearly not propaganda! We can almost hear the chorus of irreligious WASPs chiming in, enabling the rhetoric: “They’re the Chosen People, after all! Not us, the malformed gentile Christians, who owe everything we are to the real saviours! Support Israel!” (Or, conversely, support Palestine. It’s hard to virtue signal when your slogan makes you a neocon.)
Is this not idolatry? Is it not a denial of the saviour, to whom the entire human race owes its redemption? Are these faithful Christians, evangelizing a heathen world, or the Judases of the 21st Century?
It is hard to pretend the totems binding the Christian faithful haven’t been disfigured by Jewish hegemony. Their hatred of the incarnate, the revealed, the torn veil, exposing the fraud of Pharisaic “secret” interpretations of the Torah, has led Jews to wage a discreet war against the Christian heart and mind, by leveraging whatever tools will serve their designs. The video toy commercials, designed to weaken resistance to consumer culture. Replacing scripture and prayer with children and parents in separate rooms, on separate machines, viewing separate YouTube videos. The corporate embrace of LGBT, especially among banks, serving the message that reproduction is a needless expense, one best left to surrogate “breeders” until machines are up to the task. Choice, choice, always choice. Always David Cronenberg, advocating a bland, nihilist view of the human species, being taken seriously and venerated. Shut it down. No gentile goes for walks with their Mom anymore, talking about their ideas and anxieties. No gentile sits with Dad, receiving a calm ear and the occasional word of advice. Meanwhile, Jews not only embrace these outward values with an unshakeable fervour, but coerce one another into not leaving the group — into not stopping their B’nai B’rith auto-withdrawals, and into remaining fanatically devoted to the suppressing those unpurified masses, who would dare to believe in the incarnate God.
Turn the camera off. Right now.
Where does the hatred simmering in the Jewish heart find its release? Are today’s Jews even following the Torah anymore, or are they obeying the Talmud, the commentaries formed by the Rabbinical school in the wake of the Second Temple’s fall? The pieces are not difficult to put together. For the Jewish mind, God’s presence on earth was exclusive to the Holy of Holies, behind the veil, within the central Temple complex. Long before the First Temple was built, the indwelling, animating Spirit of God, breathed into Adam, had become corrupted by sin. But with Moses’ reception of the Law on Sinai generations later, the Chosen people now had God dwelling among them, in the Tent of Meeting. The mindset this produced was one of Gott mit Uns, but in a possessive sense. God went from invisible Creator to visible property, whose power could only be channeled and drawn from by an elite, an inner circle, buffeted by an outer circle of Levites. This power, thus harnessed, would be codified in the form of the Levitical Law, to be transmitted and lived out by the Hebrew people. The leadership harnesses the metaphysical, life-giving spirit, uniquely tailored to the Chosen Race, to ensure their victory over God’s enemies. Perhaps this sounds familiar. Perhaps because it is fundamentally the same as National Socialism — Nazism.
From here, we can trace the shape of the post-Temple Jewish mindset. The Sadducees were the Temple priests, the original Sons of Levi (or so we hope). When the Hebrews and their convert spouses were set free from Babylon by Xerxes of Persia, the Hebrew faith, so enmeshed with the presence of God in the Temple, had to be re-envisioned. Babylonian paganism had begun to influence Hebrew thinking, and upon returning to a fallen Temple, the Hebrew identity, which revolved entirely around the Temple’s existence, was under siege. Were they still Chosen? How could the covenant still be intact, after being robbed of the Holy of Holies for so long? The answer came in the form of synagogues, administered by a different kind of priest — the Pharisee — to keep the commandments guiding the shattered, post-Exile faith alive. In the meantime, the Temple would be rebuilt, to continue the Hebrew festivals. The Pharisees developed a comprehensive version of the Torah, known as the Oral Torah, or Mishnah, to inform Jews on how to obey the Mosaic Law, in the absence of Temple worship. These laws were highly detailed, and the ability to recite them accurately from memory became a source of prestige. And then, with the crucifixion of Yeshua bar Yehosef c. 33 AD, and the destruction of the (unfinished) Second Temple in 70, Israel was left devastated and Temple worship became impossible. With the Sadducees unable to provide Temple services, the Rabbinical school formed out of the Pharisaic, and developed a series of commentaries on the Mishnah, called the Talmud. Today, the Talmud is considered by Jews the most relevant source for Judaic belief, with the Torah as its foundation.
This history presents us with many things to consider, all revolving around one fact: Jewish eschatology (study of the End Times) is not grounded in an afterlife. From the Jewish perspective, human souls do not leave the body to reunite with God, the angels, and all the saintly dead. Gehenna, which some take to be the Jewish version of hell, is really an allegorical term referring to Ge Hinnom, the valley used by pagan Kings of Judah, to sacrifice their children to the gods. Telling someone they were headed for Gehenna was meant in the same way as “You’ll be sorry” today, and never referred to a destination of the soul. Likewise, Sheol, place of the wicked and damned souls alike, is a concept most Jews today dismiss as folklore. Instead, Jews today insist on living for this life, and behaving in ways that ensure the prosperity and survival of the Chosen Race. The question is, to what end is this prosperity ensured, and by what means? Opinions on this will vary. Non-orthodox Jews tend to be coy on the subject, but the general consensus is, once Jews are liberated from all their enemies, and are no longer under any threat from outside, any remaining gentiles on the planet will yield to Jewish supremacy, convert, and desire to become their slaves. Any further questions, such as “what if they don’t want to become slaves”, are met with smirks, shrugs, and even commands to shut down the dialogue. This is evident in this video, at 9:28, when the question is put to an ultra-orthodox in Tel Aviv.
Notice how, at 11:32, the man requests that the interviewer stop filming. Notice also how, faced with having to give dangerous answers, he tells the interviewer these things are found in the Book of Zohar, which is the central text of the Kabbalah, not the Talmud. He then proceeds to combine Kabbalah, Torah, and other non-Mosaic literature into “one big Torah”. And further, at 12:15, he says “it’s gonna be a re-“, stopping just short of “revolution”, and then continues, “uh, world peace”. This means, from the ultra-orthodox standpoint, there is no separation between Kabbalah and Torah for Judaism, gentiles will become the slaves of the Jews at the endtimes (though “willingly”, through some unspecified means), and in the absence of an afterlife, “world peace” is the highest possible virtue.
Why is this lack of separation significant? Because it exposes the truth of what Judaism has actually become, in the wake of efforts to halt the Christian Machine from empowering the gentiles, breaking them from the yoke of a Jewish master race. Less orthodox Jews may take issue with me lumping their beliefs in with the ultra-orthodox — “We’re not all like that! We’re not those Jews!” — but ask any Jew about Kabbalah and they have no problem exploring it, as if it were a “secret ingredient” to understanding their faith. Given this, let’s humour them, and explore it ourselves. Kabbalah is believed to be privileged information about the divine, only transmitted among an elite group of the Hebrew priestly caste, much the same way Moses and Aaron, and later Joshua, received divine commands in the Tent of Meeting, apart from the Levites. I say “believed to be” because the first written record of Kabbalah, the Book of Zohar, owes authorship to Rabbi Simon bar Yochai, disciple of Rabbi Akiva in the mid-100s, but no known copy of the text has been dated prior to the 13th century. The 13th century text, composed by Moses de Léon in Spain, was believed translated from Yochai’s original work, which the fugitive Yochai secretly wrote in a cave, due to persecution by his own colleagues. This makes the Kabbalah’s origins dubious at best, and curious as to why Jews, orthodox or otherwise, today would see it equal in legitimacy to the Pentateuch (first 5 books of the Bible).
What is the nature of the Kabbalah? It is essentially a Judaic New Age theology, fusing ideas from Babylonian magical practices with the Torah. One source of this fusion is the Babylonian Exile, which exposed Hebrews to exotic beliefs about spirituality, beliefs that did not specifically involve Temple worship. These views regarded God as pantheistic, a neutral force whose power is all-pervasive, and lacks a personal, loving identity. For Kabbalist Pharisees, God was the En Sof, beyond rational description, radiating His being through the universe with no particular care for His creation. As this radiating light descends through the dimensions of matter, it manifests in our dimension as the Jewish people, who are the rational, physical manifestations of God’s presence in the universe. Thus, every Jew is an integral component of the universe itself. No other creature holds this honour. The Pharisees favoured this understanding of God as neutral entity, because it meant the Jews were guaranteed favour by birthright. Temple worship became little more than a vehicle for social order, with spiritual empowerment walled off from the common household. No matter how the average Jew lived or what they did, so long as the basic tenets of the Torah kept them in line, the race would survive, and the Pharisees were holding the universe intact. But what would threaten this survival? In a word, gentiles. The Book of Zohar describes gentiles as the source of evil in the world. They do not possess “living souls”, and are therefore like the beasts that are destroyed. Michael Wex’s words come into clearer focus here — goyim, from golem, is not simply a neutral title meant to distinguish gentile from Jew. It is a slur, meant to depict non-Jews as husks, without souls, without the light of God in them, and without hope. Kabbalists also regard gentiles as klipoth, demonic creatures who deserve death as infidels, a belief expressed in the Rabbinic treatise Sepher Or Israel, 117. Christians are included in this category. For our ultra-orthodox friend in the video, integrating Kabbalah with the rest of Mosaic literature constitutes a war cry against the incarnate God and his disciples.
Al Godstein’s quote from the beginning comes into clearer focus now, and the effect of this mindset has devastating consequences for Christians. Much like taqiyya in Islam, it gives Jews carte blanche to lead non-Jews into ruin, without breaking any of the commandments. If the Jews are a semi-divine race, they have become demi-gods, and demand homage from those less fortunate. This is why Jesus Christ, with exquisite irony, presented such a disruption to this point of view. By claiming he was God incarnate, he subverted the Kabbalist understanding of the Jew-as-semi-divine, and made the whole human race co-heirs to the divine life, to participate in creation from heaven, co-directing the universe. To be a demi-god simply wasn’t good enough. Only raising humanity into the throne of the heavenly assembly would be enough for a God who truly loves His creation, especially those bearing His image and likeness.
It is no wonder, then, how closely the occult sits with Kabbalah. It is the goal of Satan to create confusion about God and humanity’s natures. By reducing God to an impersonal force, and confining godhood to only a Chosen genetic group, the gates of heaven would remain sealed to a fallen humanity, making redemption impossible. This plays into Satan’s desire, to prevent humankind from sharing in the divine life, so as to keep a pure, rigid separation between the angels — whom Satan believes are the true co-heirs alone — and the human race. One only needs to look to the media, and the constant poison it hurls at gentile listeners, to understand this evil at work. Consider the university system, perverted into a house of totalitarian propaganda. Consider the tech sector, corrupted by a deviant mentality that confuses vice for virtue. Consider elementary schools, which punish parents for not wanting their children sexualized. Consider the lives of once-successful actors, whose lives and careers were destroyed when they refused to do terrible things for fame. Consider the lives of the ones who did those things. Do you pray for their souls? Or do we, like Jews, consider this life to be the only reward? Do we take part in pornography, the most Jewish practice of all, to look at perversions of the human form? Do we justify it to ourselves, by saying “they’re just drawings, I’m not exploiting anyone”, and continue to feed the mental virus that we are weak and unloved, and that pornography is the best we can hope for? Are these the totems we are prepared to ruin ourselves for, to be martyred for?
How Jewish are we prepared to be?


holy crap. This is deep. Thanks Mancho for the article, it really make you think…
That was an excellent read
that Rabbi in the video also rubbed his hand like a typical kike (Minute 12:15)
when he was about to say revolution
Also this is one hell of a redpill
“Consider the lives of the ones who did those things. Do you pray for their souls? Or do we, like Jews, consider this life to be the only reward? Do we take part in pornography, the most Jewish practice of all, to look at perversions of the human form? Do we justify it to ourselves, by saying “they’re just drawings, I’m not exploiting anyone”, and continue to feed the mental virus that we are weak and unloved, and that pornography is the best we can hope for? Are these the totems we are prepared to ruin ourselves for, to be martyred for?
How Jewish are we prepared to be?”
Go NoFap my brothers, we all naked in our sins
but we don’t have to be, we don’t have to humiliate ourselves for a few doses of Dopamine
there are better, less destructive ways to achieve happiness (happiness, not pleasure.
because pleasure=addiction and addiction only leads to ruin)